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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

President al-Assad to Archbishop of Cyprus: Terrorist attack on Syria aims to spread extremist Takfiri mentality and practices
July 25, 2016 14:23

President al-Assad to Archbishop of Cyprus: Terrorist attack on Syria aims to spread extremist Takfiri mentality and practices

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Monday received Archbishop of Nova Justiniana and All Cyprus Chrysostomos II and the accompanying delegation.

Talks during the meeting touched on the situation in Syria and the unique historical relations between the two countries and the importance of developing them in all fields.

President 2

Archbishop Chrysostomos II stressed the importance of strengthening his country’s relations with Syria which would benefit the two countries’ people, noting that it’s in the interest of all European states to reconsider their relations with Syria and lift the unjust embargo which exasperates the Syrians’ suffering.

He also said that the steadfastness and commitment to the homeland he and the accompanying delegation witnessed during their visit prove that Syrians are moving confidently towards emerging from the crisis and achieving victory over terrorism.

For his part, President al-Assad said that one of the main goals of the unprecedented terrorist attack on Syria is to spread extremist Takfiri mentality and practices to undermine Syria’s diverse and harmonious social fabric which has been one of its distinguishing qualities throughout its history.

His Excellency also stressed that the difficult experience that the Syrian people are going through increased their commitment to their diversity and unity.

The meeting was attended by Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All East John X Yazigi.

In the same context, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem received Archbishop Chrysostomos II and the accompanying delegation.


Al-Moallem pointed out to Turkey’s role in training, funding, and arming terrorists from ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, and other terror organizations, stressing that the Syrian people managed to stand up to terrorism and extremism thanks to its rallying around its army and leadership and its commitment to Syria’s unity and sovereignty.

He also called for relaying the truth about the situation in Syria to the world.

For his part, Archbishop Chrysostomos II said he will relay the truth of what is happening in Syria and of the suffering and destruction caused to the Syrian people by the actions of Western states which are now reaping the results of those actions.

In a statement to journalists, the Archbishop said that President al-Assad explained to him and to the delegation members the details of the crisis in Syria, thanking President al-Assad for this opportunity.

He said that during his visit, he saw and experienced the Syrian people and their solidarity, saying that the Syrians are a righteous people and they must reach their goals, adding that he told President al-Assad that he will relay all he saw and experienced in Syria to the people and government in Cyprus.

The Archbishop said he believes the Cypriot people who have been struggling to realize their just demands for almost 50 years will be encouraged by what he will tell them, because they are a righteous people and will help the Syrian people, adding that he will also relay the whole truth about what is happening in Syria to all ambassadors that visit him in Cyprus, particularly European and American ambassadors, concluding by praying to God to bless the Syrians and President al-Assad with all that is good for them.

Hazem Sabbagh 

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