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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

Update 3- The army restores security to three villages in Homs, destroys two ISIS command centers in Raqqa
July 03, 2016 11:13

Update 3- The army restores security to three villages in Homs, destroys two ISIS command centers in Raqqa

Provinces, SANA – More ISIS command centers and convoys of vehicles have been hit as the army continued operations against the positions of this and other terrorist organizations in various areas, with the air force inflicting heavy losses upon the terrorists’ ranks.


Army units in cooperation with the popular defense groups launched a military operation in the eastern countryside of Homs in which they have already restored stability and security to the villages of Msei’eed, al-Msheirfeh al-Shamaliyeh and al-Salehiyeh, a military source announced on Sunday.

The army also established control over the areas of Rajm al-Taweel and Ard Kreiz and Point 802 to the east of Jeb al-Jarrah town.

Many ISIS terrorists were killed and their weapons and ammunition were destroyed in the course of the operation, according to the source.

In the same context, the army’s air force hit gatherings of terrorists and vehicles and supply routes for ISIS terrorist organization in Khneifees town, 70 km south of Palmyra city in Homs.

Hideouts and convoys of vehicles equipped with machineguns for ISIS terrorists were also hit in al-Sukhneh town, 70 km east of Palmyra city.


The army’s air force also destroyed two ISIS command centers and a number of their vehicles at al-Tabqa crossroads, 55 km west of Raqqa city.

Deir Ezzor

A position for ISIS terrorists was destroyed in army airstrikes west of Deir Ezzor military airport.


An army unit targeted gatherings of ISIS terrorists in al-Qassr village in the northeastern countryside of the southern Sweida province. Many terrorists were killed or injured and their equipment was destroyed as a result of the operation.


Seven terrorist leaders killed in an explosion in Enkhil town

In the neighboring Daraa province, an army unit targeted a gathering of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in al-Nueimeh
town in the eastern countryside of Daraa province that forms a supply route for terrorist groups between Saida and Um al-Mayazen villages near the border with Jordan.

The operation resulted in destroying two vehicles belonging to the terrorists, the military source said.

A group of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists that were doing fortification works to the east of the Nursing School in Daraa al-Mahatta neighborhood in Daraa city were hit in a precise operation by an army unit.

Most of the group’s members were either killed or injured and a machine gun position was destroyed in the operation, according to the source.

Meanwhile, terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages the death of the leader of “Liwa Mujahidi Houran” who is named Qassem al-Smeir and 6 other terrorist leaders in an explosion that targeted their headquarters in Enkhil town.

The terrorists Faiz Tweiris, Hossam Abdullatif al-Nasser, Atef Abdullatif al-Nasser, Nidal al-Shibli, Walid al-Oqla, Abdul-Karim al-Nawas and Khalid Median Abdul-Mawla al-Nasser were identified among the dead.

Meanwhile, an army unit destroyed a vehicle for armed terrorist groups on Busra al-Sham – Smad road in the eastern countryside of Daraa.


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