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Aleppo Citadel reopens its doors as thousands of visitors regain their memories in
June 16, 2018 13:02

Aleppo Citadel reopens its doors as thousands of visitors regain their memories in

Aleppo, SANA

The citadel of Aleppo, the most important archaeological monument in the city and one of the most amazing places ofIslamic architecture, has re-opened its doors for visitors and tourists after being rehabilitated and cleaned of the dust of terrorism.

The citadel is one of the oldest and largest castles in the world and has preserved its beauty throughout history as it walls and fortresses have stood in the face of invaders.

The citadel, which dates back to Ayyubid period, has been closed since mid-2012 to protect its unique designs from the inside. Today, it reopens its doors as the Eid (feast)’s gift to its visitors, renewing its glory and stories of heroism in defending its well-fortified walls against invaders and terrorism.

Entering the citadel for the first time after his last visit eight years ago, Mohammed Ahmed Maarouf talked about his feelings and desire to regain his memories inside the place, which has stood in the face of terrorism and looting.

The citadel has a great rank in the hearts of Aleppo people; Alaa-Eddin Hammami considers that reopening it to visitors enhances the feeling of safety which Aleppo missed during the years of crisis.

Meanwhile, Laila Kiali saw that the citadel embodies the history of the city’s people and reopening it brings back joy to the souls.


The citadel of Aleppo is a mini-city and every stone in it illustrates the history, heritage and originality of the Syrian man as reopening it confirms the recovery of Aleppo. 

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