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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

In a speech addressed to armed forces, President al-Assad: Syrian Army an example to follow in nationalism and sacrifice
August 01, 2018 02:15

In a speech addressed to armed forces, President al-Assad: Syrian Army an example to follow in nationalism and sacrifice


Commander in Chief of the Army and Armed Forces, President Bashar al-Assad stressed that the Syrian Arab Army is the fortress of the homeland in the face of aggression and that it has undermined the Zionist-American project which targets all without exceptions.
In a speech addressed to the armed forces on the 73rd anniversary of founding the Syrian Arab Army, published by al-Sha’ab magazine, President al-Assad said “Men of dignity and sovereignty, I congratulate you on your 73rd Day while you are moving from one achievement to another and from one victory to another in the face of the systematic terrorism and its regional and international backers.”
President al-Assad added “Our heroic armed forces, you have proven to the whole world over the past seven years that you are an integrated example to follow in nationalism and sacrifice and that you are the fortresses in the face of terrorism.”
“Your sacrifices and heroism allowed us to reach toady the security and stability in most areas, and you have undermined the Zionist-American project which targets all without any exceptions” President al-Assad said.
“The liberated areas are returning secure and stable thanks to your heroism and sacrifices and their locals are returning to them again after they got rid of terrorism and its backers,” President al-Assad said.
President al-Assad concluded his speech by hailing the martyrs and wishing a speedy recovery for the injured, saying that “victory will be achieved soon.” 

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