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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

Foreign Ministry says US-led Coalition’s attacks against civilians a retribution for their refusal to join separatist militias
June 16, 2018 13:44

Foreign Ministry says US-led Coalition’s attacks against civilians a retribution for their refusal to join separatist militias

Damascus, SANA-Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said the illegitimate US-led International Coalition has been targeting civilians in the villages of al-Hasaka, Raqqa and Deir Ezzor as a retribution for their refusal to join US-allied separatist militias.

In a letter addressed to the UN Secretary-General and President of the United Nations Security Council, the ministry lambasted the Coalition’s incessant aggressions targeting innocent Syrian civilians and Syria’s sovereignty, safety and territorial integrity.

Citing a slew of atrocities the Coalition perpetrated in the villages of al-Hasaka, which left scores of civilians dead and many others injured, the ministry said the attacks are intended to punish the locals for their reluctance to join separatist militias allied to the United States.

According to the letter, the US has been restructuring relations with Daesh terrorists, integrating some within these militias and using others in mounting attacks against the Syrian Arab army’s sites with a view to recapturing areas the Syrian army and allies have liberated from terrorism.

The letter said the Coalition had not balked at providing overt military backing to Daesh terrorists against the Syrian army, the latest of which was on May 24 when its warplanes targeted military outposts for the Syrian army between al-Bukamal and Humaima in Deir Ezzor countryside 24 hours after the Syrian army managed to abort Daesh attack against these sites.

The Coalition’s sole aim is to undermine Syria’s sovereignty, safety and territorial integrity and prolong the crisis in it which contravenes the UN Security Council’s resolutions, added the letter.

The ministry urged the Coalition’s member country to pull out of this “outrageous coalition,” calling on the UNSC to assume its responsibilities in preserving international peace and security and take immediate action to end its massacres.

The letter also called for terminating the illegal US and foreign presence on the Syrian territories and to call a halt to the US plans in support of terrorism.

“The US hostile polices in Syria, the region and the world lack ethical grounds because it has become part and parcel of the threats which endanger international peace and security,” the ministry’s letter concluded. 

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