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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار سوريا   

Woman killed, damage caused by terrorist rocket and mortar attacks in Aleppo, Hama, and Damascus
April 04, 2017 06:12

Woman killed, damage caused by terrorist rocket and mortar attacks in Aleppo, Hama, and Damascus

Hama/Aleppo, SANA – Terrorists from Jabhet al-Nusra and other terror groups affiliated to it on Tuesday shelled the town of Mhardeh 25 km north of Hama city.

SANA’s correspondent in Hama said that terrorists in the northern countryside of Hama province fired 15 rocket shells at Mhardeh, causing material damage to houses and to the power grid and infrastructure.

Meanwhile, SANA’s correspondent in Aleppo said that a woman was killed in by rocket shell fired by terrorists located in al-Rashidin neighborhood at the southwestern outskirts of Aleppo city on the 3,000 Apartments project in al-Hamadaniya area in the city.

Later, terrorist organizations positioned in the Eastern Ghouta area in Damascus Countryside fired two mortar shells at residential neighborhoods in Damascus city.

SANA’s reporter said that two mortar shells fired by terrorists fell in the surroundings of Arnous and Abu Rummaneh neighborhoods, causing material damage to the public and private properties.

On Monday, Six persons were injured by terrorist mortar attacks on residential neighborhoods in Damascus. 

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