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دمشق : بمشاركة عربية و دولية انطلاق فعاليات المؤتمر العلمي لنقابة أطباء الأسنان بنسخته الثانية والعشرين    مشهداني للمعارض تطلق معرض " ذهب أيلول " بمشاركة 75 شركة متخصصة بإنتاج الأحذية والألبسة والجلديات.    الوزير الخليل في افتتاح معرض اكسبو سورية 2024 بنسخته الأولى : التصدير هو رئة العملية الإنتاجية والأساس لموارد القطع الأجنبي   بمشاركة شركات عربية وأجنبية… انطلاق فعاليات ملتقى “سيرفكس 2024” في دمشق    مشهداني : 55 شركة محلية ودولية في معرض (آغرو سيريا 2024)   انطلاق التصفيات النهائية لمبادرة تحدي القراءة العربي بموسمها الثامن على مستوى سورية   بمشاركة سورية… انطلاق فعاليات معرض التجارة الإلكترونية في طهران   الرئيس الأسد يستقبل الأمين العام للمنظمة العربية للهلال والصليب الأحمر والوفد المرافق   المقداد يبحث مع وزراء خارجية مصر ولبنان والإمارات وتونس العلاقات الثنائية والأوضاع الإقليمية والدولية   بتكلفة تقدر بـ 89 مليار ليرة… إجازة استثمار لقطاع الصناعات النسيجية في حلب   
 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

Update 1- Army air defense confronts new Israeli aggression, hits more than one aircraft
February 10, 2018 15:35

Update 1- Army air defense confronts new Israeli aggression, hits more than one aircraft

Damascus, SANA-The army air defense confronted a new Israeli aggression on one of the military positions in the central area and hit more than one aircraft.

A military source told SANA that the Israeli enemy on Saturday dawn launched a new aggression against one of the military bases in the central area, and the army air defense confronted the aggression and hit more than one aircraft.

The source added that the Israeli enemy repeated its aggression on some positions in the southern area, and that the army air defense confronted the aggression and thwarted it.

The Israeli aggression came after the Army General Command announced that the Syrian Arab Army eradicated Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization and the groups affiliated to it from large areas in the pocket extending from the southeast of Khanaser in Aleppo countryside to the west of Sinjar in Idleb countryside to the north of al-Sa’an in Hama countryside.

Meanwhile, media of the Israeli enemy admitted that the Syrian air defense shot down an F-16 jet over Galilee in occupied Palestine and that its pilots were injured, confirming the closure of parts of the Israeli airspace for aviation after downing the warplane.

Media outlets of the Israeli enemy considered that downing the Israeli F-16 jet over the occupied Palestinian territories means a “crack in the Israeli excellence,” asserting that the Israeli government demanded Russian and US urgent intervention to contain the situation.

Sirens were heard at the settlements of the Israeli enemy as a state of panic prevailed among the settlers and shelters were opened, and all roads leading to the settlements north of the occupied territories were closed, according to sources from inside Palestine.

The contradiction in the statements of the Israeli enemy’s officials and its media outlets on downing the Israeli jet reflects the state of panic in the behavior of the Israeli settlers, particularly in the north of the occupied territories. 

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