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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

Mass celebration on anniversary of Aleppo’s victory over terrorism
December 21, 2017 14:22

Mass celebration on anniversary of Aleppo’s victory over terrorism


Marking the first anniversary of Aleppo city’s victory over terrorism, a public celebration was held in the city on Thursday with the participation of official and popular figures and martyrs’ families.

Thousands gathered in Saadallah al-Jabiri Square and the streets leading to it, with the participants raising the Syrian flag and banners saluting the Syrian Arab Army.

The celebrations included a parade in which military formations participated, in addition to the participation of the Scouts of Aleppo, the General Sports Union, and children of the local branch of Al-Baath Vanguards Organization.

Information Minister Mohammad Ramez Tourjman said that Aleppo’s people have remained steadfast in their homes despite all the suffering they experienced due to the terrorist acts, saluting the national and the resistance media, which was a partner in the victory.

In turn, Aleppo Governor Hussein Diab affirmed that the victory of Aleppo was achieved thanks to the steadfastness and sacrifices of its people and their solidarity with the Syrian Arab Army, pointing out that this victory was a strategic shift in the war on terror and its supporters.


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