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Updated-The army restores stability and security to a village in northern Daraa
December 10, 2016 13:50

Updated-The army restores stability and security to a village in northern Daraa

Provinces, SANA – The Armed And Armed Forces continued on Saturday carrying out counter-terrorism operaitons across the country, restoring security and stability to al-Foqai’a village in Daraa.


An army unit restored stability and security to al-Foqai’a village and its farms in the northern countryside of Daraa southern province and chased the fleeing terrorists in the area.

A military source told SANA that an army unit carried out a special operation against hotbeds and dens of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in al-Foqai’a town in the vicinity of the Old International Road to the north of Daraa city.

The source added that security and stability were restored to the town after killing a number of terrorists and the remnants fled away towards the neighboring areas.

Later, the source said the army units established control over the farms of al-Foqai’a town.

This new achievement by the army is very important as it helps in consolidating security on Daraa highway and provides a springboard for the army to restore security and stability to the villages and towns spreading on both sides of the old road linking al-Sanamin city with al-Sheikh Miskin city.

In the same context, the source confirmed that a number of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists were killed or injured in an army operation that targeted their positions in al-Nazihin Camp and to the south of the old Customs’ building in Daraa al-Balad area.


An army unit destroyed a car transporting terrorists and ammunition in the surroundings of al-Tuffahiyeh village in the northeastern countryside of Lattakia.

Meanwhile, a vehicle equipped with a machine gun destroyed, a number of terrorists killed in a special army operation in the surroundings of Kafr Sendo town, 50 km northeast of Lattakia city. 

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