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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

President al-Assad receives letter from Iran’s Supreme Leader
October 19, 2017 16:01

President al-Assad receives letter from Iran’s Supreme Leader

allnews syria, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad received on Thursday a letter from the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Ali Khamenei, handed by Iranian Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri.

In the letter, Khamenei congratulated President al-Assad on the victories achieved against terrorism in Syria.

For his part, President al-Assad extended greetings and thanks to Khamenei, stressing that the people and the armed forces of Iran are a “main partner” in these victories.

The President’s talks with Bagheri and the delegation accompanying him touched upon the advanced stages of the brotherly relations between Syria and Iran in all fields, on top being the military cooperation, that has witnessed a significant progress in the course of the war Syria is fighting against terrorism along with its allies, particularly Iran.

The success in eliminating terrorism in Syria “deals a severe blow to the Western projects plotted against the region,” said President al-Assad, adding that this explains the persistent conduct of some countries to continue supporting the terrorist groups in Syria in particular and the whole region in general.

Bagheri, in turn, said his visit to Syria aims at setting up a joint strategy on further coordination and cooperation on the military level in the next stage following the great achievements made in the fight against terrorism.

He reiterated Iran’s resolve to continue supporting the people and leadership of Syria until security and stability are restored to the country, in addition to providing all possible assistance to the process of reconstruction.

The meeting was attended by Chief of the General Staff of the Army and the Armed Forces Lt. Gen. Ali Ayoub. 

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