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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

Syria urges UN to assume responsibility, end int’l coalition’s crimes against Syrian people
July 30, 2017 15:29

Syria urges UN to assume responsibility, end int’l coalition’s crimes against Syrian people

ALLNEWS SYRIA, SANA – Foreign and Expatriates Ministry urged the UN Security Council to assume its responsibilities, maintain international peace and security, halt the alleged international coalition’s crimes against the Syrian people and oblige all states to abide by and implement all UNSC resolutions on counterterrorism, particularly resolution No. 2253.

The Ministry, in two letters addressed to UN Secretary General the Chairman of the UN Security Council, called for dissolving this illegitimate coalition which was established outside the framework of the UN and without requesting permission from the Syrian government.

The US-led international coalition continues to commit massacres against Syrian innocent civilians through conducting systematic airstrikes on the provinces of Raqqa, Hasaka, Aleppo and Deir Ezzor on a daily basis since the beginning of its illegitimate interference on September 23rd, 2014 with the aim of providing support to the armed terrorist groups in the Syrian Arab Republic , the Ministry added.

It referred to the international coalition’s massacres against civilians in the villages, towns and cities of Kashkash Jabbour and Kashkash Zyanat in Hasaka, and al-Kashkashiyeh, al-Mayaden, al-Tiyybeh and al-BouKamal in Deir Ezzor on the 3rd, 4th, 12th, 18th, 27th, 29th, 30th days of July when warplanes affiliated to the US and the alleged coalition targeted the residential neighborhoods and the houses of civilians in these areas with missiles and bombs causing the death and injury of hundreds, the most of whom were women, children and elderly men.

The Ministry added that US-led coalition warplanes also committed three massacres against Syrian civilians in the al-Sour town, al-Dablan village and al-Mayaden city in Deir Ezzor province on the days of 27th, 28th and 29th of June 2017 killing more than 90 citizens, most of them were women, children and elderly men, pointing out that the international coalition used internationally banned white phosphorus munitions in these attacks.

On June 9th, 2017, the international coalition attacked the houses of civilians in al-Mashlab, al-Sina’a and al-Sebahi neighborhoods in Raqqa province, causing the death of 18 civilians, including women, children and elderly men, said the Ministry.

It indicated that terrorism could not grow without the unlimited support provided by the Coalition’s member states to the terrorist organizations, particularly the ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra.

Moreover, those attacks contributed to the spread of creative chaos, the killing and destruction which fulfill goals of the coalition and the terrorist organizations in destabilizing security in the region, destroying Syria’s capabilities and prolonging the crisis in a way that serves the interests of the Israeli entity.

The coalition’s military operations against positions of the Syrian Arab Army and the state’s infrastructure clearly show the relation between some of the coalition member states, including Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Britain and other terrorist organizations which benefited from the coalition airstrikes in their movements, the Ministry said.

It demanded immediate halt of the coalition’s crimes and systematic attacks on Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, adding that the continuous silence of the UN, its senior envoys and member states towards that criminal behavior is no longer acceptable since it encourages the coalition to go ahead with its crimes against the Syrian people.

The Ministry renewed condemnation, in the strongest terms, of the international coalition’ crimes against civilians and its attacks on the infrastructure, the economic, services and oil facilities and the public and private properties in Syria which claimed the lives of innocents and caused huge material damage.


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