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ISIS beheads 5 persons, among them three players and a coach in Raqqa
July 09, 2016 03:06

ISIS beheads 5 persons, among them three players and a coach in Raqqa

Damascus, SANA-ISIS terrorist organization killed three football players and a coach from al-Shabab club in Raqqa, according to civil sources.

The sources told SANA that the Takfiri terrorist organization beheaded 5 persons, among them players Osama Abu Kuwait, Nihad al-Hussein, Ihssan al-Shawakh and his brother, coach Ahmad al-Shawakh at dawar al-dalah in Raqqa in front of the elders and children.

In a statement to SANA, Head of the General Sports Union Muafak Joma’a condemned this heinous crime, saying it is not strange that ISIS commits this crime as this is a behavior adopted by this terrorist organizations. 

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