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Three civilians injured in terrorist rocket attacks in Aleppo city and Ifrin town
May 17, 2016 13:12

Three civilians injured in terrorist rocket attacks in Aleppo city and Ifrin town

Aleppo, SANA – SANA’s correspondent in Aleppo said that terrorist groups targeted al-Dhbeit Hospital with a rocket shell, injuring three civilians.

A source at Aleppo Police Command told SANA that terrorists fired a rocket shell at al-Dhbeit Hospital for obstetrics in al-Muhafaza neighborhood, which resulted in injuring three civilians and material damage to the hospital.

Terrorist organizations also fired rocket shells at the town of Ifrin in the northwestern countryside of Aleppo province.

Local sources from the town told SANA’s correspondent in a phone call that terrorists fired three rocket shells at the town’s neighborhoods, causing material damage to houses and private properties.

Later on Monday, the source added that two civilians were injured when terrorist groups fired a rocket shell on al-Villat Street in al-Sulimania neighborhood in Aleppo.

Local sources told SANA reporter that the terrorist attacks with rocket shells on al-Sheikh Maksoud neighborhood in Aleppo city injured nine citizens and caused material damage to the residential houses.

Hazem Sabbagh 

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