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Updated-Two terrorist suicide bombings hit old Justice Palace and a restaurant in Damascus, leaving casualties
March 15, 2017 12:50

Updated-Two terrorist suicide bombings hit old Justice Palace and a restaurant in Damascus, leaving casualties

Damascus, SANA – Two terrorist attacks took place at the old Justice Palace building in Damascus city and in a restaurant on its outskirts, leaving casualties.

A number of civilians were killed and others were injured when two terrorist suicide bombers blew themselves with explosive belts up in the old Justice Palace building in al-Hamidiyeh area and one of the restaurants in al-Rabwah area in Damascus

A source at Damascus Police Command told SANA that a terrorist suicide bomber wearing an explosive belt blew up himself in the old Justice Palace building in al-Hamidiyeh area in the city of Damascus.

The terrorist bombing claimed the lives of a number of people and injured many others who were at the building.

The terrorist, who was dressed in a military uniform and was carrying a gun and a grenade, was stopped by the guards at the external door of the old Justice Palace building. After he handed over his gun and grenade to the guards as he was told to do so, he ran quickly towards the door of the lobby of the Justice Palace, where there was a large number of people attending to their paper work at the building, the terrorist blew himself up, the source explained.

Minister of Interior Maj. Gen. Mohammad al-Shaar inspected the site of the terrorist attack at the old Justice Palace building, where he stressed in a statement that the security authorities are working on chasing the terrorists and criminals who move from place to another to target the Syrian people wherever they can.

In a similar statement, Minister of Justice Najm Eddin al-Ahmad stressed that the Syrian judiciary system is determined to continue work to bring to justice all the countries and international organizations that have supported the terrorists in any form.

He pointed out that the authorities are chasing another terrorist who had planned to blow himself up once citizens gather to help the victims of the attack at the Justice Palace building.

Later, a number of civilians, most of them are children and women, were injured when a terrorist suicide bomber blew himself up using an explosive belt in a restaurant located in al-Rabwah area on the outskirts of Damascus city.

Special sources told SANA reporter that the bomber was being chased, along with two other terrorists, by the authorities.

The other two terrorists had been caught, while the bomber ran away and managed to enter the restaurant, where he blew himself up, the sources said.

Information Minister Mohammad Ramez Tourjman said the terrorist bombings reflect the state of collapse within the ranks of the terrorist organizations as a result of the resilience of the Syrian people and the victories of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies.

He added that these attacks came in implementation of the polices of the terrorists’ operators, including the Saudi, Qatari and Turkish regimes, aimed at prolonging the suffering of the Syrian people, calling on the international community to take all deterrent and immediate measures and sanctions against the regimes that are supporting terrorism.

M. al-Frieh/H. Said 

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