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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

Army establishes full control over Hayyan gas factory and Jahar station in Homs, foils fierce attack on Daraa city
February 14, 2017 15:11

Army establishes full control over Hayyan gas factory and Jahar station in Homs, foils fierce attack on Daraa city

Homs, SANA- Army units established full control over Hayyan gas factory in the eastern countryside of Homs province after targeting ISIS terrorist organization.

A military source told SANA Tuesday that the army units in cooperation with the supporting forces carried out, during the past few hours, a wide-scale military operation and established full control over Hayyan gas field after eliminating the latest gatherings of ISIS terrorists.

The source added that the army engineering personnel are working to dismantle the mines and IED planted inside the factory by ISIS terrorists.

Meanwhile, SANA reporter in Homs said that the army units in cooperation with the supporting forces have broaden their control over the western countryside of Palmyra city after the army units established full control over Jahar area, located
to the west of Hayyan Factory as the army eliminated the latest gatherings of ISIS terrorists.

The source added that the army units inflicted heavy losses upon the ISIS terrorists in personnel and equipment, while the army pursued terrorists who fled away towards al-Abar (the wells) area.

The army units continued military operation to the east of Hayyan Factory and established full control over all the hills surrounding it, according to SANA reporter.

An army unit, in cooperation with the supporting forces, continued advancing on the axis of T4-Palmyra and established control over the school and the dispensary in al-Bayarat area in Homs countryside.

In the northern countryside of the province, the source added that an army unit in cooperation with the popular defense groups destroyed a tank for Jabhat al-Nusra on al-Ghanto-al-Halmouz roundabout in the southeastern direction of Jabourin village, north of Homs city.


Army units carried out special operations against sites and infiltration axes of terrorist groups affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra on the outskirts of al-Manshiyeh neighborhood in Daraa city.

SANA reporter in Daraa confirmed that army units thwarted a fierce attack launched by hundreds of terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra against military points and residential neighborhoods, killing many of them and injuring many others in the directions of the Old Customs’ building, al-Sweidan Street, the area surrounding Bilal al-Habashi Mosque and al-Yarmouk School.

Heavy equipment, sites and vehicles for the terrorists were destroyed.

Local sources told the reporter that many of the injured terrorists were transported towards Israeli occupied lands to be treated at Israeli hospitals.

The reporter pointed out that the army imposes firing control over the axes of the clashes with the attacking terrorist groups.

The reporter also denied what been circulated on social media pages of terrorist organizations about terrorists advancing in al-Manshiyeh neighborhood, noting that significant destruction was caused to a number of abandoned houses in Jordan Street due to the detonation of a number of car bombs by terrorists.

Meanwhile, terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages the death of a number of terrorists, including Omar Ahmad Abu Nabbout, Abdullah Noor Eddin al-Hariri, Alaa Adnan Daloua’, Ahmad Qassim al-Masalmeh, Hussam Fawaz al-Jahmani, Walid Mohammad al-Mafaalani and Yassin Fawaz al-Jabbawi.

Deir Ezzor

A unit of the army blew up a tunnel for ISIS terrorists in al-Jafra area on the southern outskirts of Deir Ezzor city.

The army’s operation ended up with the destruction of the tunnel and the death and injury of all terrorists inside it.


An army unit carried out an accurate operation targeting a car belonging to terrorists of Jaish al-Fatah who attempted to attack a military post to the southeast of al-Hamamiat village in Hama countryside, according to SANA reporter.

The reporter said that as a result of the operation, the car was destroyed with 3 terrorists on board, while a RPG launcher, an automatic rifle, Terrestrial Trunked Radio (Tetra) device and an ID card of a Turkish officer.

To the east of Salamiyeh city in the eastern countryside of Hama, the reporter added that the army air force destroyed a bulldozer that ISIS terrorists were using in setting up fortifications in Abu Hbilat village. 

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