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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

President al-Assad meets participants in ALU meeting currently held in Damascus
December 10, 2016 13:26

President al-Assad meets participants in ALU meeting currently held in Damascus

Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad received on Saturday participants in the permanent office of the Arab Lawyers Union (ALU) meeting currently held in Damascus under the title ”The Rights of States in Confronting Terrorism”.

The meeting dealt with the important role of popular unions and associations, especially under the current conditions in the Arab region, with President al-Assad stressing that these organizations should play a fundamental and vital role in raising public awareness about the goings-on, without them waiting for governments to do so.

The President said the ALU has a significant role, as it comprises educated and politically-enlightened elites who can have a role in returning the Arab street to the concept of national belonging to confront Western schemes which seek to undermine the Arab social fabric by extremism.


The President added that the battle fought by the Syrian people is a “national battle par excellence”, because, he explained, one of the war’s goals was to strike the robust social fabric of the Syrian society.

Syria’s enemies have failed to achieve this, added the President, because the Syrian people have largely succeeded in preserving their unity and social fabric, and managed to emerge more united and fortified on that score, which is one of Syria’s key strengths.

The delegation members, for their part, said the current stage in the region is one of “intellectual struggle”, adding that the Arab nationalist thought must be disseminated to counteract an obscurantist ideology which seeks to invade Arab societies.

This, they said, is needed for incapacitating the project which aims at fragmenting the Arab region along sectarian and ethnic schisms.


The delegation members also stressed the necessity of launching a legal battle before international courts, in parallel with the military and political one fought by Syria, by filing lawsuits against terrorism backers in Syria, stressing their support for the Syrian people who are being targeted for embracing Arab causes and commitment to their country’s sovereignty and independent decision.


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