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President al-Assad to Rogozin: Russian support to Syria contributed to alleviating the suffering of the Syrian people
November 22, 2016 16:31

President al-Assad to Rogozin: Russian support to Syria contributed to alleviating the suffering of the Syrian people

Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad discussed Tuesday with a Russian delegation, headed by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin, the historic relations linking Syria and Russia and the standing coordination and cooperation in the fields of fighting terrorism, economy and trade.

President al-Assad pointed that the policies and stances adopted by Russia whether at the international level or regarding the ongoing terrorist war on Syria, have consolidated its natural position as a great power based on principles, values, commitment to the International Law and respect of the sovereignty of states and their right to self determination .

He stressed the importance of Russian support to Syria in various areas, including the economic, saying that this support had tangibly contributed to alleviating the suffering of the Syrian people due to the terrorist war and the economic sanctions imposed on them for years.


For his part, Rogozin stressed that the main objective of the military, economic and political support provided by Russia to the Syrian government and people is to reinforce the factors of their resilience against the terrorism that overstepped Syria to spread to many parts of the world.

The two sides agreed to strengthen their cooperation in the economic, commercial, oil, investment, gas and transport fields.

Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem, Ministers of Finance Ma’moun Hamdan and Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ali Ghanem, Chairman of the International Planning and Cooperation Commission Imad Sabouni, Assistant Foreign and Expatriates Minister Ayman Sosan and Russian Ambassador in Damascus Alexander Kinshchak attended the meeting.

In the same context, Prime Minister Imad Khamis received Rogozin and the accompanying delegation.

Khamis expressed appreciation and thanks to the Russian people and leadership for their support to the Syrian people.

He stressed that the Syrian government is keen to develop the economic relations with Russia, emphasizing that Syria will spare no effort to overcome all the obstacles that hinder this cooperation.

Khamis said that the Syrian government works in two main directions represented by supporting the Syrian armed forces to defeat terrorism and confronting the repercussions of the economic situation which resulted from the terrorist war on Syria.

Rogozin, in turn, asserted that the delegation’s visit came not only to discuss the economic, trade and scientific cooperation, but to hold integrated discussions with the Syrian leadership on various levels.

He said: The success of the military operation in Syria will not be completed without supporting the economic life of the citizens in order to continue the work and achieve victory.”

Later, the Syrian-Russian Joint Committee, co-chaired by al-Moallem and Rogozin, held a session of economic talks during which the two sides initialed three protocols of cooperation in the customs field.

Al-Moallem indicated to the great role of Russia’s support in empowering Syria to face the terrorist aggression targeted it.

The Foreign Minister pointed out that the repercussions of the terrorist war on Syria were the main reason behind the Syrians need to the economic support to ease their suffering.

He highlighted the importance of trade exchanging between the two countries and enabling the Syrian products to enter the Russian markets with the aim of achieving an economic strategic partnership between them.

Minister al-Moallem underlined that Syria will give priority to its friends, including the Russian companies, in the reconstruction projects.

Meantime, Rogozin stressed the importance of the Syrian government’s support to the Russian companies’ offers for serving the infrastructure in Syria and providing facilities to them and following up their projects by the two sides.

Rogozin visits Umayyad Mosque in Damascus

Meanwhile, Rogozin and the accompanying delegation visited the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus and the shrine of Leader Salah Eddin al- Ayyubi.

Rogozin was briefed on the history of the Umayyad Mosque, and he toured the mosque along with the accompanying delegation.

In a statement to SANA reporter, Rogozin expressed admiration of this great historical and spiritual edifice.

He indicated that throughout history, Syria has been a hub of civilizations, wishing that peace and security will return to Syria to be able to return to play its cultural role in the human history. 

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