آخر الأخبار
دمشق : بمشاركة عربية و دولية انطلاق فعاليات المؤتمر العلمي لنقابة أطباء الأسنان بنسخته الثانية والعشرين    مشهداني للمعارض تطلق معرض " ذهب أيلول " بمشاركة 75 شركة متخصصة بإنتاج الأحذية والألبسة والجلديات.    الوزير الخليل في افتتاح معرض اكسبو سورية 2024 بنسخته الأولى : التصدير هو رئة العملية الإنتاجية والأساس لموارد القطع الأجنبي   بمشاركة شركات عربية وأجنبية… انطلاق فعاليات ملتقى “سيرفكس 2024” في دمشق    مشهداني : 55 شركة محلية ودولية في معرض (آغرو سيريا 2024)   انطلاق التصفيات النهائية لمبادرة تحدي القراءة العربي بموسمها الثامن على مستوى سورية   بمشاركة سورية… انطلاق فعاليات معرض التجارة الإلكترونية في طهران   الرئيس الأسد يستقبل الأمين العام للمنظمة العربية للهلال والصليب الأحمر والوفد المرافق   المقداد يبحث مع وزراء خارجية مصر ولبنان والإمارات وتونس العلاقات الثنائية والأوضاع الإقليمية والدولية   بتكلفة تقدر بـ 89 مليار ليرة… إجازة استثمار لقطاع الصناعات النسيجية في حلب   
 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

Foreign Ministry: EU lacks the least bit of credibility when talking about humanitarian situation in Syria
October 19, 2016 11:59

Foreign Ministry: EU lacks the least bit of credibility when talking about humanitarian situation in Syria

Damascus, SANA – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry affirmed that the European Union lacks the least bit of credibility when talking about humanitarian situation in Syria, and that its persistence in following the policies of some of its hard-line members like France deprives it of having any positive role in the region and the world.

In a statement to SANA, an official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that Syria watched disparagingly the statement issued by the European Union foreign ministers, and that Syria believes that misguiding public opinion and twisting fact isn’t becoming of some EU states which expressed more than once and on several occasions the ineffectiveness of the course followed by the EU regarding Syria.

The source added that the EU’s statements should have been in line with its claims about fighting terrorism and with international law instead of appointing itself a defender of terrorist groups and shedding crocodile tears over the suffering of civilians in Aleppo at a time when the Syrian Arab Army and its allies are working to save these civilians and return security, stability, and normal life to Aleppo.

The source asserted that the EU lacks the least bit of credibility when talking about humanitarian situation in Syria because it is a partner in making Syrians suffer due to its support for terrorism and due to the sanctions it imposed on Syrian citizens.

The source concluded by saying that the EU’s persistence in following the policies of some of its hard-line members like France in pursuit of financial temptations from the Arab Gulf is an offense to all the EU states as it makes it subservient to others’ policies and deprives it of having any positive role in the region and the world. 

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