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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

Defense Minister visits an army unit on the 43rd anniversary of Tishreen liberation war
October 06, 2016 15:43

Defense Minister visits an army unit on the 43rd anniversary of Tishreen liberation war

Damascus, SANA-Upon the directives of President Bashar al-Assad, Commander-in-Chief of the army and armed forces, and on the 43rd anniversary of Tishreen liberation war, Defense Minister Fahd Jasem al-Freij visited on Thursday one of the army’s formations where he met a number of soldiers and officers who briefed him on their situation.

The Defense Minister, accompanied by several officers of the general command, congratulated the army’s soldiers on October war anniversary, conveying to them President al-Assad’s amity and appreciation for their efforts and heroism and wishing them success in carrying out their national duties.

“October Liberation war has restored glory and dignity to the Arab nation and it showed the reality of the Arab combatant and his courage in the battlefields,”the Minister said.

At the end of the tour, Lieutenant General Freij hailed the great efforts exerted by the army’s soldiers who defend the Homeland against terrorism.

Army’s Chief of Staff visits soldiers in Daraa countryside 


In the same context, and on this occasion, the army’s Chief of Staff, Ali Abdullah Ayoub also visited one of the army’s formations in Daraa countryside.

He congratulated the army’s soldiers on October war anniversary, conveying to them President al-Assad’s amity and appreciation for their efforts and courage and wishing them success in fulfilling their national duties.


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