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Al-Moallem: The US wanted to lie and change facts regarding what the Syrian government is doing, but it failed
September 26, 2016 17:14

Al-Moallem: The US wanted to lie and change facts regarding what the Syrian government is doing, but it failed

Damascus, SANA – Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem stressed that the United States, France, and Britain called for a UN Security Council session on Syria this Sunday in an attempt to support terrorist organizations in Syria.

In an interview given to Al Mayadeen TV, al-Moallem clarified that the US wanted to direct accusations at Russia after its Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov succeeded in embarrassing the US for its disavowal of the deal with Russia, adding that the US also wanted to lie and change facts in regards with what the Syrian government is doing, but it failed.

Al-Moallem pointed out that the USA cannot separate Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization from the armed groups because it constitutes their “backbone,” adding that the West tried to blame Russia in an attempt to delude the public opinion as the West had funded, trained, and armed terrorists in Syria.

He stressed that the aggression of the US-led coalition on a Syrian Arab Army position in Tharda Mountain in Deir Ezzor was deliberated and in coordination with ISIS, as ISIS rushed to take control of the area only one hour after the aggression, pointing out to the link between this aggression and the US disavowal of honoring its obligations.

Al-Moallem said that the Syrian Arab Army is the only side which was committed to the truce in accordance the Russian-US deal, while the 20 “factions” in Aleppo that claim to be “moderate” announced that they will not commit to the deal, with armed groups violating the truce a total of 300 times.

He stressed that the US is leading a conspiracy in Syria along with Western and regional states, supplying terrorists with weapons and funds and facilitating their influx with huge numbers across borders, pointing out that the terrorists have not entered northern Syria using parachutes, they crossed the Turkish borders.

The Minister asserted that if the USA had actually had a genuine will to find a solution to the crisis in Syria, it would have been able to do so, clarifying that it could push its agent states such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey into complying with the solution.

Answering a question on de Mistura’s setting of conditions for resuming the intra-Syria dialogue, al-Moallem said that no one has the right to set conditions, as the dialogue is among the Syrians and without preconditions, noting that de Mistura has been stalling about holding talks in Geneva since May, and the only explanation for that is that he hasn’t received the green light from the US.

He stressed that the statements made by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Syria at the UN General Assembly were “shameful” and that him accusing the Syrian government of using banned weapons without proof is not befitting his position, revealing that he had cancelled an appointment with Ki-moon set by the latter on Saturday in light of these stances.

“We have been surprised by his statement in which he attacked Syria and accused the Syrian government of using banned weapons without presenting proof other than what one of the terrorists claimed about the army using phosphorus bombs,” the Minister said, adding that Ki-moon is seeking to appease the US to guarantee his political future in Korea.

Al-Moallem said that a meeting could be held between the Russian Foreign Minister and US State Secretary if there’s a real US intention to strike Jabhat al-Nusra, if Moscow is reassured that Washington is serious about implementing its obligations, and if the USA decides to stop taking the intra-Syrian dialogue hostage. 

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