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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار سوريا   

One killed, five injured in terrorist attacks on Damascus, its Countryside and Sweida
February 09, 2018 05:43

One killed, five injured in terrorist attacks on Damascus, its Countryside and Sweida


One civilian was killed and five others were injured in terrorist attacks with mortar and rocket shells on al-Assad residential suburb in Harasta on Thursday.
A source at Damascus Countryside Police Command told SANA that the armed groups positioned in the eastern Ghouta targeted al-Assad residential suburb with more than 20 rocket shells and mortars, killing one civilian and injuring five others.
The source added that one of the shells fell on a bus near the suburb roundabout, killing a civilian and injuring five others, some critically.
The source pointed out that the terrorist attacks caused material damage to a number of cars, houses and the infrastructure.
In Damascus, a source at Police Command said that armed groups fired several shells on Bab Touma and al-Malek (King) Faisal Street, causing material damage to public and private properties and some cars.
SANA reporter said that in response to the attacks, the army units carried out intensive strikes against the areas from where the shells were fired in the depth of Eastern Ghouta, inflicting heavy losses upon the armed groups.
On Wednesday, the armed groups targeted with a number of mortar shells the southwestern countryside of Sweida, in a new violation of the de-escalation zone agreement in southern region.
The armed groups, positioned in eastern countryside of Daraa, fired 4 mortar shells on the villages of Era and al-Mjaimar in the southwestern countryside of Sweida.
The attacks caused material damage to a number of citizens’ houses and a car, in addition to cutting the electricity wires, but no casualties were reported.
H. Zain/ Ghossoun 

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