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US-led coalition kills 11 civilians in Raqqa
September 08, 2017 12:33

US-led coalition kills 11 civilians in Raqqa

Raqqa, SANA-Eleven civilians, including three children, were killed in a new massacre committed by the aircrafts of the US-led coalition on a school in Raqqa city on Friday.

Civil and media sources said that the aircrafts of the US-led coalition targeted a school in al-Nahda neighborhood in Raqqa city where a number of families were living to escape from ISIS terrorism and the coalition’s bombing, claiming the lives of 11 civilians, among them a family of five, including three children, in addition to the injuring of many others.

The sources suggested that the number of killed persons would rise due to the critical situation of a number of the wounded, noting that the raid also caused massive material damage to the school and neighboring houses where people are working to remove the rubble and search for survivors. 

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