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دمشق : بمشاركة عربية و دولية انطلاق فعاليات المؤتمر العلمي لنقابة أطباء الأسنان بنسخته الثانية والعشرين    مشهداني للمعارض تطلق معرض " ذهب أيلول " بمشاركة 75 شركة متخصصة بإنتاج الأحذية والألبسة والجلديات.    الوزير الخليل في افتتاح معرض اكسبو سورية 2024 بنسخته الأولى : التصدير هو رئة العملية الإنتاجية والأساس لموارد القطع الأجنبي   بمشاركة شركات عربية وأجنبية… انطلاق فعاليات ملتقى “سيرفكس 2024” في دمشق    مشهداني : 55 شركة محلية ودولية في معرض (آغرو سيريا 2024)   انطلاق التصفيات النهائية لمبادرة تحدي القراءة العربي بموسمها الثامن على مستوى سورية   بمشاركة سورية… انطلاق فعاليات معرض التجارة الإلكترونية في طهران   الرئيس الأسد يستقبل الأمين العام للمنظمة العربية للهلال والصليب الأحمر والوفد المرافق   المقداد يبحث مع وزراء خارجية مصر ولبنان والإمارات وتونس العلاقات الثنائية والأوضاع الإقليمية والدولية   بتكلفة تقدر بـ 89 مليار ليرة… إجازة استثمار لقطاع الصناعات النسيجية في حلب   
 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار سوريا   

Syria dismisses U.S. decision to allow arms exports to terrorist organizations as new proof of supporting terrorism
December 10, 2016 13:23

Syria dismisses U.S. decision to allow arms exports to terrorist organizations as new proof of supporting terrorism

Damascus, SANA –The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry dismissed the US decision on lifting the ban on weapons exports to the terrorist organizations in Syria as a new proof of the US’s role in supporting terrorism in the country.

In a statement to SANA on Saturday, an official source at the Ministry said the US President’s decision to lift the embargo on exporting arms to the armed terrorist groups in Syria aims at prolonging the crisis there so that the killing of people and destruction of the infrastructure continue.

The source affirmed that the US has never stopped its support to the terrorist organizations, including supplying them with weapons, since the beginning of the crisis in Syria.

This support, the source said, has been provided either directly or via the US’s tools and agents in the region, noting that the weapons caches which have been found in East Aleppo are only an example of that support.

“Announcing this decision is meant as a new dose to raise the morale of the terrorist groups that are facing daily defeats and successive losses at the hand of the brave Syrian Arab Army,” the source said.

It added that the facts have proved over the past period that arms provided by the US and its allies have fallen in the hands of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organizations.

Yet, those gangs which have been used by the US as a Trojan Horse against the Syrian state have proved a “failure” as admitted by the US officials themselves, the source said.

It held the US and its allies, which like to designate these terrorist organizations as “moderate”, politically and legally responsible for the crimes committed by those organizations.

The source concluded by saying that Syria stresses that terrorism will definitely be defeated as it will continue fighting it undaunted by any measure or decision made in support of the terrorist gangs. 

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