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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار سوريا   

The army kills more terrorists, including leaders, destroys command centers
October 19, 2016 11:16

The army kills more terrorists, including leaders, destroys command centers

Provinces, SANA- Army and armed forces units, backed by the army air force, on Tuesday inflicted heavy losses upon the Takfiri terrorist organizations in operations carried out in different areas across the country as scores of terrorists were killed and their arms and equipment were destroyed.


The Syrian army air force killed 21 terrorists, including three leaders, who are Akram al-Hussyian, Morie-Eddin Rahhal and Ahmad Jamil al-Saleh, in Souran town in Hama countryside, according to a military source.

Strikes were also launched on terrorist groups of the so-called “al-Izza Gathering” in Souran, Morek and Tibet al-Imam.

A number of terrorists were killed in the air strikes, while a position, an armored vehicle, a car loaded with ammunition and a TOW missile launching pad were destroyed.

The air force conducted sorties targeting more gatherings and positions of terrorist groups in Souran, Tibet al-Imam, al-Lahaya, al-Buweida, Maarakba, al-Latamina, Mourek, al-Masasina, to the north of Tallet al-Nasiriyeh and to the east of Tal Bzam in the countryside of the province.

The strikes resulted in destroying a convoy of vehicles in al-Buweida, three tanks on the outskirts of Tibet al-Imam, two armored vehicles to the south of Mourek and three vehicles equipped with machine guns to the north of Souran.

More than 30 terrorists were killed in the strikes including, three more leaders; Ahmad Abdul-Razzak al-Hawash, Khaled al-Hissian and Khaled al-Ammouri.

In the same context, an army unit targeted gatherings and fortified positions for terrorists from the so-called “Jund al-Aqsa” in Bsalia village, killing a number of them and injuring others.


The army killed and injured a number of Jabhat al-Nusra and Jaish al-Fatah terrorists in sorties on their dens in Lattakia and Idleb countryside.

Earlier, an army unit destroyed a vehicle for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists at the entrance of Sinjar in Idleb countryside.


An army unit destroyed two vehicles for ISIS and a rocket launcher in al-Makramiyah village in al-Sa’an al-Aswad region in Homs northern countryside.

The army’s air force carried out concentrated strikes on ISIS gatherings in the surroundings of Shaer oil field in Homs eastern countryside, killing a number of them and destroying their vehicles.

Earlier, an army unit killed all members of a terrorist group while it was infiltrating into military points in Tasnin area to the north part of Homs city.

the Army units targeted gatherings and dens of Jabhat al-Nusra in Ein Hussein al-Janoubi village and Jouret Hassian in the northern countryside of Homs, killing number of terrorists, injuring others and destroying their vehicles, some of them equipped with machineguns.


An army unit carried out bombardments against fortifications and dens of terrorist groups affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization in Daraa al-Balad in Daraa southern province, inflicting heavy losses upon them in the personnel and the military equipment.

The military source told SANA that a den, a command center, a car, a fortified position and a medium machinegun belonging to the terrorists were destroyed in the bombardments, and a number of terrorists were killed and others were injured in the southwestern part of al-Nazihin Camp.

Later, an army unit killed almost all members of a terrorist group that was stealing grains from the silos in al-Yadouda town, 5 km west of Daraa city.

Deir Ezzor

Army units, backed by the army’s air force, launched strikes on gatherings and fortifications of ISIS terrorists in al-Mrei’iyeh, al-Huweiqa, al-Hamidiyeh, Huweijet Qatea, near the eastern fortifications of Deir Ezzor military airport and al-Jafra in Deir Ezzor province.

Artillery and tank shells were fired by army units on dens of terrorists in al-Hamidiyeh neighborhood in Deir Ezzor city, while an air raid was launched on a gathering of terrorists to the northwest of Tal Brouk in the northwestern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

The army operations resulted in the destruction of a command center and a rocket launching pad and the death of a number of terrorists. 

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