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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار سوريا   

Updated-Mortar positions, tanks, vehicles and oil tankers for terrorists destroyed in army operations
August 24, 2016 15:58

Updated-Mortar positions, tanks, vehicles and oil tankers for terrorists destroyed in army operations

Provinces, SANA- A number of heavy vehicles for terrorist organizations have been destroyed, including tanks and armored vehicles in Aleppo, as the army units continued its operations against these organizations in various areas, backed by the Air Force.


The Syrian Air Force targeted gatherings of terrorists and movement axes southwest of the military academies in the southern countryside of province.

Many terrorists were killed and a number of armored vehicles and cars equipped with machine guns were destroyed in the air strikes, a military source old SANA Wednesday.

In the same context, SANA reporter said an army unit fought fierce clashes with Jaish al-Fatah terrorists in the surroundings of the strategic Um al-Qarae hill during the past hours, killing and injuring a number of them and destroying 3 tanks and 5 vehicles equipped with machineguns and loaded with ammunition.

The reporter added that other army units operating in the southern countryside of Aleppo fired artillery and rocket shells on the withdrawal routes of the terrorists, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

Meanwhile, the terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages the death of the “leader of mortar battalion” within Jaish al-Fatah, Hussein al-Safrani and the “military official” within the organization Zaki al- Taqiqa.


The army units targeted a command center for Israeli-linked terrorist organizations in the vicinity of the Post building in Daraa al-Balad area in Daraa city.

The center was destroyed and all the terrorists inside it were killed or injured.

Terrorist Abu Safi al-Masri, the leader of a Jabhat al-Nusra-linked terrorist group called Al-Motassem Billah Brigade” was identified among the dead, the source added.


An army unit directed concentrated strikes on ISIS movements and gatherings in the eastern countryside of the southern Sweida province.

During the strikes, a gathering of ISIS oil tankers in the area of al-Rashida oil fields to the east of Sweida city was destroyed, many of ISIS terrorists were killed and others were injured.


The army units destroyed a number of vehicles and mortar positions and kill and injure more than 15 terrorists in operations in the northern countryside of Hama province.

SANA reporter told SANA that an army unit destroyed an SUV car and a mortar position belonging to “Jund al-Aqsa” terrorists south of Mourek town, some 35 km north of Hama city.

The source added that at least 11 terrorists were killed or injured when its position in the area was hit.

Other army units targeted terrorists’ hideouts in al-Lahaya village, leaving one terrorist dead and 3 others injured and destroying a mortar position.

Another army unit carried out a military operation to secure the road in the northern countryside of Hama during which it targeted a terrorist group south of Tallet al-Sayyad, north of Kafr Zeita town, 38 km northwest of Hama city. Two cars, one of which equipped with a machine gun and the other transporting terrorists, were destroyed.

The Air Force launched air strikes against gatherings and axes of movements of ISIS terrorists in Athriya area in the eastern countryside of Hama.

A military source said in a statement to SANA that the air force destroyed a large number of vehicles for ISIS terrorists and killed a number of them during strikes against their gatherings and axes of their movements to the east of Athriya in the eastern countryside of Hama.


An army unit carried out a special operation targeting a gathering of vehicles for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Um Batina village, southeast of al-Baath city in Quneitra province, SANA reporter said.

The operation resulted in the death of many terrorists and the destruction of three vehicles transporting terrorists, weapons and ammunition.


The Air Force destroyed positions and vehicles, some of which equipped with machine guns during sorties against gatherings of terrorist organizations in the northern countryside of Homs.

A military source said in a statement to SANA that the air force carried out sorties against gatherings and axes of terrorist groups’ infiltration in al-Farhaniyeh and al-Zaafaraneh villages in Talbeeseh area, 13 kilometers to the north of Homs, destroying positions and vehicles equipped with machine guns and killing a number of terrorists.

The sorties against fortifications of terrorist organizations in Taldu town and Burj Qaie village, 21 kilometers to the north west of Homs destroyed a position for terrorists and killed a number of them.

Damascus Countryside

Army units, in cooperation with popular defense groups, restore control over most of al-Raihan Farms to the northeast of Douma in Damascus Countryside.

Army units destroyed artillery emplacements which terrorists were using for targeting the safe areas and the military points.

Army’s engineering units combed the area and dismantled a number of the explosive devices and booby-trapped which were planted earlier by terrorists to prevent the army’s progress.


Air Force destroyed vehicles for Jaish al-Fateh terrorists during intensive sorties against their gatherings and axes of movement in Idleb countryside.

A military source said in a statement to SANA that the air force carried out sorties against gatherings of terrorist organizations in Shalakh village and Saraqeb city to the east of Idleb destroying positions and vehicles and killing a number of terrorists.

In the southern countryside of Idleb, sorties against axes of movements of Jaish al-Fateh terrorists’ vehicles in Karasa village in Maaret al-Nouman destroyed armored vehicles and killed scores of terrorists.

English Bulletin 

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