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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

Turkish regime continues aggression on Afrin area, targets vehicles loaded with aid
February 23, 2018 14:39

Turkish regime continues aggression on Afrin area, targets vehicles loaded with aid


The Turkish regime forces and its mercenaries fired artillery shells on a convoy of vehicles loaded with aid and fuel and on civilians’passing cars on the road between Noubol and Afrin in northern countryside of Aleppo, killing one civilian and injuring at least 12 others.

SANA’s reporter said that artillery of the Turkish forces on Thursday targeted with more than 50 shells a convoy of buses, civilians’ cars and trucks carrying aid and gas cylinders and fuel tanks near al-Ziyara village before they arrived in Afrin city.

The reporter added that the Turkish aggression claimed the lives of one civilian, injured 12 others and destroyed a number of cars, trucks and fuel tanks.

The injured civilians were taken to the hospitals in Afrin city and al-Zahraa town, the reporter said. 

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