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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار سوريا   

Army Command: Army units establish control over Tadef town, southeast of al-Bab city
February 26, 2017 15:40

Army Command: Army units establish control over Tadef town, southeast of al-Bab city

Damascus, SANA- The army has established control over Tadaf town in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo province.

In a statement, the General Command of the Army and the Armed Forces announced that the army units, in cooperation with the supporting forces, restored Saturday morning security and stability to Tadef town, located southeast of al-Bab city, after inflicting heavy losses upon ISIS terrorist organization in personnel and equipment.

The Army Command said the restoration of security to Tadaf town will consolidate the army’s control over the transportation routes and form an important springboard to further advance the combat operations against ISIS in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo city.

The engineering units, the statement said, have embarked on sweeping the area to dismantle the explosive devices and bombs planted by the terrorists in the buildings and public squares.

The Army Command concluded its statement by reaffirming its determination to continue its war against terrorist organizations, whatever their names are, until security and stability are restored to every inch of the Syrian territory.

Manar/H. Said 

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