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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

US-led coalition launches aggression against popular forces fighting Daesh and Qasad, casualties reported
February 09, 2018 05:36

US-led coalition launches aggression against popular forces fighting Daesh and Qasad, casualties reported


Forces of the US-led “international coalition” targeted popular forces that were fighting Daesh (ISIS) terrorists and Qasad groups in Deir Ezzor countryside in an attempt to support terrorism.

SANA reporter in Deir Ezzor said that forces of the US-led coalition on Wednesday midnight attacked popular forces that were fighting Daesh terrorist organization and Qasad groups between the villages of Khsham and al-Tabyia in Deir Ezzor northeastern countryside, leaving scores of persons dead and others injured.

The reporter added that the aggression also caused a huge damage to the area.

R. Jazaeri/ Ghossoun 

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