الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

Syria condemns and rejects US threats
June 29, 2017 05:43

Syria condemns and rejects US threats

Damascus, SANA_ Syria has denied as “misleading, false and baseless” the US allegations about Syria’s intention to launch a chemical attack.

” Syria confirms that the US allegations aim to justify a new aggression on Syria under false pretexts as happened in al-Shairat Airport, and to cover the US-led international illegal coalition’s strikes, a source at the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

” Syria condemns the US threats and rejects them, ” the source said, affirming that ” any US aggression on its army and people is in the service of terrorist organizations and contradicts with the principles and purposes of the UN Charter and Security Council resolutions on combating terrorism,”


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