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 الصفحة الرئيسية   أخبار اليوم  

The army air force kills scores of terrorists in Hama, Homs countryside
November 29, 2016 14:57

The army air force kills scores of terrorists in Hama, Homs countryside

Hama, Homs-SANA-Units of the army killed on Tuesday tens of terrorists in airstrikes on their dens in Taebet al-Imam, Latamneh, Skeik, Ma’an, Kfar Zeita and al-Sayad in Hama countryside.


Meanwhile, a military source told SANA that two dens for terrorists and a number of other armored vehicles were destroyed in al-Rastan in Homs northern countryside.

The source added that the army’s air force raided the positions of terrorist groups and their supply routes in al-Rastan, killing tens of terrorists. 

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